I've seen the shadows
It's no surprise
I've felt the sorrow
Behind your eyes
I've heard the thunder
Of vengeance on your part
I’ve felt the hunger
Of violence in your heart
It's time I told you
Some secrets so severe
It's time to fold you
Into something I hold dear
The night was humid
The light was dim
I kept your secret
You turned to him
I tried to stop you
You stepped aside
I made a choice
That cannot be denied
I've never held you
The way that lonce dreamed
To live together
That movie never streamed
A friendship shattered
A childhood lost
The price of vengeance
Blood paid the cost.
I can’t forgive you
You never asked
My sins unspoken
Our story’s past
I won't forget you
But I want this pain to end
I can't recover
l'Il never love again
Maybe it's the craziness of the world right now
that pushed us to a dark ballad of choices made, prices paid.
After all these years, I'm still not completely sure what happened,
and certainly not why.
The stories are different, depending on who you talk to
... and WHEN you talk to them.
The facts change over time.
I'm not even sure of anything,
really, other than SOMETHING happened.
And lives changed forever.
Featuring the totally unique vocals of Ester Teja.
Vocals: Ester Teja.
Words, music, arrangement: LynnL